Prevent Fraud
Prevent Fraud
First Merchants is committed to protecting your personal information. The security recommendations provided here will help you protect your personal information and will aid you in protecting yourself in all your online activity.

How we protect you
Secure technology
- We protect our online and mobile platforms with the same rigor we use to protect our banking centers. First Merchants implements state-of-the-art security technology in a multi-layered approach that protects your accounts – both on- and offline.
Fraud monitoring
- In addition to robust security, First Merchants also performs extensive fraud monitoring for all our customers and accounts. We’ll keep an eye out for suspicious activity and other signs of potential fraud, so you can feel secure knowing someone’s watching your back.
- Mobile tools to help you stay in control of your accounts
Card controls
- Card controls give you an edge against bad actors. Set spending limits, restrict card usage to a certain geographic area, or turn your card on and off with a single click.
Customizable alerts
- You know your finances best – prioritize the things that are important to you with customizable account alerts.
Real-time credit score
- When you’re weighing a financial decision, an accurate read of your credit status can help guide you to your answer. Our real-time credit score monitor, SavvyMoney, puts your current credit score, full credit report, monitoring, and more right into the palm of your hand.

How to protect yourself
Scams are scary, but there are practical steps you can take to reduce your risk and protect your finances.
Personal information protection basics
Follow these best practices to help safeguard your personal information:
- Avoid storing sensitive information like passwords and social security numbers on your mobile device.
- Password protect your mobile device and lock it when you’re not using it.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t type sensitive information where others may see it.
- Log out completely when you complete a mobile banking session.
- Protect your phone from viruses and malware just like you do for your computer by installing mobile security software.
- Download the updates for your phone and mobile apps.
- Use discretion when downloading apps.
- If you change your phone number or lose your mobile device, let your financial institution know right away.
- Monitor your accounts regularly and report suspicious activity to your financial institution immediately.
Know How to Tell if a Text is from First Merchants
- Learn why we send texts and from what numbers
- Add these numbers to your phone as a contact under “First Merchants Bank”
Keep tabs on your transactions
- Set up transaction alerts in your mobile banking app
- Use card controls to turn off your debit card if you misplace it or think it was stolen
- Find and use tracking and alert tools on all your financial accounts--credit cards, loans, accounts with other banks, etc.
Stay on top of your credit report
Savvy Money
- View your score and credit activity at any time with Credit Score, powered by SavvyMoney, so you can easily see if something is amiss. Our interactive tool shows you changes to your score in real-time, and sends alerts when you pay down debt, open a new credit card, or close accounts.
Annual Credit Report
- It can even help you simulate what a new loan or paying off debt will do to your score and help you set and reach your debt management goals.
- Keep track of your debt accounts with an annual, free credit report. You’ll be able to see if any bad actors have attempted to open accounts in your name, and go over any credit inquiries with a fine-toothed comb.

Most common fraud tactics
While scams are constantly evolving, there are a few red flags that will give them away.
Scammers may:
- Request your personal information, such as asking you to confirm your bank account number or provide a verification code over the phone.
- Try to scare you by saying your account has been hacked, you have a bill past-due, or you’re being threatened with legal action.
- Pressure you into taking immediate action.
- Tell you not to hang up, and not to talk to trusted individuals for advice.
- Encourage you to pay for services or make payments by purchasing gift cards.
- Send messages from e-mails and websites that look like a trusted source but are one or two letters off.
- Take you to a separate log-in screen and ask you to enter personal information.
- Claim a family member is in danger and needs an emergency transfer of cash.
Remember, fraud tactics are always evolving.
Stay up to date and learn from the latest identity theft articles on First Merchants Financial Wellness powered by Enrich.