Wednesday, December 21, 2022
At First Merchants Bank, Corporate Social Responsibility means more than initiatives within our service area – it means showing up, wherever we’re needed. That’s why we were proud to be a silver sponsor for Al Piña's 2022 National Black and Latino Economic Summit Unity Gala, held this year in Clearwater Beach, Fla.
This networking event seeks to build Black and Latino intellectual bandwidth through access to capital, affordable housing, and small business opportunities.
Scott McKee, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, and Jadira Hoptry, Director of Community Lending and Development with First Merchants Bank, served as the bank’s representatives at the event.
“It was an honor to attend a memorial event for Al Piña,” Scott said. “Al and I only knew each other briefly, but we hit it off immediately. He was a committed activist for the economic civil rights of black and brown people, and I was truly honored to be invited to speak at his funeral after he passed, as well as at this memorial event.”

Jadira moderated the panel “Access to Capital and Organizational Best Practices from Successful Minority Affordable Housing Developers and Not-for-Profits,” while Scott had the honor of introducing the keynote speaker at the Al Piña National Black & Latino Economic Unity Gala. That speaker was Christine Chavez, Public Affairs Outreach Coordinator for the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Resources Conservation Service, and granddaughter of Caesar Chavez. As outreach coordinator, she is responsible for reaching out to underserved farmers including Hmong, Latino, African American, Veterans, LGBTQ, and women. She has made a lifetime commitment to civil rights, the labor movement, and community organization.
“I was humbled to be invited to introduce Christine at such a prestigious event,” Scott said. “I believe elevating the voices of others – especially of those working to improve the lives and economic opportunities for Black and Latino Americans – is at the heart of our CSR goals and is an integral part of our dedication to serving our diverse communities as we work to help them prosper, and I was honored to be a part of that.”

Following the event, Christine’s husband, Oscar Gonzales, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Departure of Agriculture, personally invited Scott to attend a bi-partisan, private sector conference on Capitol Hill addressing healthcare disparity for the poor. This event was coordinated by Luis Belen, Executive Director of The National HIT Collaborative for the Underserved, Inc. and its executive.
“It was an incredible experience – and it’s a topic that unites both parties,” Scott said. “Whether representing urban or poor Appalachian populations, the speakers' focus was access to better healthcare via IT and broadband systems. I was inspired to see such a diverse group of people come together to speak authentically about a real human crisis amongst our nation's poor.”
Want to know more about the 2022 National Black and Latino Economic Summit? Find out more here: 2022 National Black & Latino Economic Summit