Wednesday, September 25, 2019
First Merchants Bank understands the importance of building and supporting our local communities through volunteerism. In September, First Merchants team members participated in the United Way Day of Action by serving at Ross Community Center. Our team of 14 spent the day painting, cleaning, organizing and installing a beautiful outdoor chess board for the facility.
The United Way Day of Action encourages organizations and people to help others by volunteering to improve the education, financial stability, and health of our communities. Many organizations around the world participate by advocating for and enhancing the quality of people’s lives. #liveunited
The mission of Ross Community Center, Inc. (RCCI) is to build community by providing and promoting programs, services, and activities for the advancement of education, health, and wellness in our diverse community. RCCI supports both Muncie and Delaware counties.
Pictured from left to right: Rachel Routh, Dixie Mullins, Steve Moore, Brian Haughn, Gayle Williams,
Elizabeth Sauter, Shaylon Hines, Erin Leeson, Kate Thomas, Jamie Henderson, Trisha Bair,
Kristianna Jones, Mike Bartlett, Travis Mullins