Friday, June 1, 2018
Sixteen Ohio Region employees and friends or family members volunteered their time at an event for A Kid Again at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium on Friday, June 1.
Our team worked in the food area by helping families carry food to their tables and serving beverages (we may have set a World Record for most fountain drinks served in a limited amount of time!). Our team worked non-stop for over two hours, and it’s estimated that we helped serve over 300 guests.
Ohio Region volunteers were Anissa Barkley, Lori Elliott, Kris Evans, Lezlie Garcia, Jessica Gliha and her sister Angie Homan, Jennifer Griffith, Scott McAnaul and his girlfriend Sophie Rich, Pam Miller and her husband Craig, Amy Panuto, Debbie Russ and her husband Jim, Zo Sellers and her friend Kim Carter, and Marina Smith.
A Kid Again provides activities throughout the year for families who have children with life-threatening illnesses.