Savings and Money Market
Start saving now. The time value of money is real, and the sooner you begin the more you will save for your future! Check out our savings calculators to help guide your plan. We offer a variety of competitive savings options, all with great features.
Simple and Carefree Checking Accounts
Ferovita spist, aliquiae parume doloriat adipsam, suntiunti bea dunteni magnihilia nus quamendi sanditas ipsaepel invent, simpor rem ut est liquiaspici nonem fugit estis aut expeles acerit.
CDs and IRAs
Earn a higher interest rate on longer term savings options like Certificate of Deposit Accounts (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged1 investment account that is used for medical expenses for participants in High Deductible Health Care Plans. Contributions made into the HSA - either by an individual or employer - could reduce taxable income. The money in the HSA can be used for qualified medical expenses for yourself, spouse, or dependent children.
1Consult your tax advisor.
Top 3 Questions about First Merchants Bank Savings Accounts
Below you will find information about the most frequently asked questions when opening a First Merchants Bank savings account.
Yes, eStatements are available through Online Banking only.
Savings and Money Market
Start saving now. The time value of money is real, and the sooner you begin the more you will save for your future! Check out our savings calculators to help guide your plan. We offer a variety of competitive savings options, all with great features.
Simple and Carefree Checking Accounts
Ferovita spist, aliquiae parume doloriat adipsam, suntiunti bea dunteni magnihilia nus quamendi sanditas ipsaepel invent, simpor rem ut est liquiaspici nonem fugit estis aut expeles acerit.
CDs and IRAs
Earn a higher interest rate on longer term savings options like Certificate of Deposit Accounts (CDs) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs).
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged1 investment account that is used for medical expenses for participants in High Deductible Health Care Plans. Contributions made into the HSA - either by an individual or employer - could reduce taxable income. The money in the HSA can be used for qualified medical expenses for yourself, spouse, or dependent children.
1Consult your tax advisor.
Top 3 Questions about First Merchants Bank Savings Accounts
Below you will find information about the most frequently asked questions when opening a First Merchants Bank savings account.
Yes, eStatements are available through Online Banking only.